
How To Set Up An Alter

Never in a million years would I have guessed that I'd be spending my mornings writing well-nigh the power of creating altars, and my evenings meditating around them with others. Merely the power of intention is real, and I've institute that practicing or meditating in front end of an altar can be a slap-up fashion to manifest those intentions. Equally we begin to turn toward 2022, preparing an altar as a dedicated space to the compensation, gratitude, and blessings in your life and where you'd like to go is a great practice to wind down the twelvemonth and look forrard.

Altars are not compatible beyond the world—though they traditionally are any kind of structure or platform where sacrifices and offerings are made. They're not sectional for one kind of occasion, nor are they reserved for the most spiritual among united states. They come in all shapes and sizes and vary in uses beyond religions and philosophies. My personal employ of altars crept upwards on me. I began to notice altars tucked away in corners at all the yoga studios I visited. I admired roadside altars outside temples. And I began to appreciate and realize that the more I meditated and practiced yoga, the more than I felt a need to focus my efforts toward something.

Here nosotros take arrived at the most important reason to create an altar: a focus for one'south efforts or heartfelt intentions. It provides a very real and very simple reminder of what is important to you and what you lot are working toward. The objects yous adorn your chantry with stand for these goals and inspirations and remind us to stay on our paths. Take fourth dimension to sit in meditation and decide what you would similar to clear out and bring in to your life. As you create your altar, keep your intentions in listen and maybe write them on a piece of paper to identify on your altar.

incense photo shallow focus

Decorating Your Chantry

The foundation of the altar can be a plate, tray, scarf, slab of marble or forest, or just use the floor, table, or shelf that y'all have. In many traditions, photos of teachers, mentors, loved ones, or other inspirations are placed on the altar. Add together rocks, crystals, gems, flowers, fruit, jewelry, totem animals, singing bowls, or annihilation that is special and meaningful for you.

Placing a deity on your personal altar—particularly a deity whose qualities you seek—is a common practice among Wanderlust teachers. Gina Murdock, Chris Loebsack, Lauren O'Connell, and Basil Jones ("to remember that obstacles can be essential elements that help us find force") all have a statue of Ganesha on their altars. Bob Speck honors the spirit of Hanuman on his chantry. "I look at Hanuman equally the embodiment of the four yogas (Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, and Raja). I meet myself more clearly when I sit in Hanuman'due south presence," he says.

Candles or incense are also common altar objects. I love the symbolism of fume and fire—the burning away of the onetime, the transformation of what no longer serves, the fuel to maintain an inner power and strength. Wanderlust instructor Sally Sherman keeps information technology simple with "a good mat, a block for my seat, and i single candle."

Your altar tin be decorated co-ordinate to each flavor (with the flora/fauna to accompany it), or to symbolize an element (air, earth, water, fire). Many may choose to include some sort of crystal arrangement.Taylee Wilsonkeeps rose quartz, amethyst, green aventurine, and articulate quartz on her altar; Lauren adorns hers with rose quartz and amethyst every bit well, plus red jasper and citrine. Kyle Buller'southward collection of rocks and crystals sit down amidst his rattle, medicine purse, palo santo, sage sticks, feathers, candles, plants, and a little flake of tobacco. "My altar has more of a shamanic flavour to it," he says. He isn't the only i to bring living things to his sacred space. When asked what her altar essentials are, Nikki Vilella enthusiastically responded, "plants!"

Information technology can exist equally elaborate or as simple equally you lot like. In my house I have several altars on shelves of all sizes. They motion around within my infinite, and some pieces travel with me on retreats around the world.

Where to Place Your Altar

Altars can be anywhere! Mayhap you gear up a permanent ane in a quiet corner of your home where you like to do yoga or sit in meditation. Y'all could create different altars weekly on a side table where you lot beverage your morn tea and reverberate upon the mean solar day ahead. Or, yous could write a uncomplicated quote for remembrance on a chalkboard. Try having pieces displayed on a shelf that remind yous of travels you lot've taken, and these pieces keep all your travels with you. The possibilities are endless, as are the sizes and the meanings of each altar we pattern.

Taking your treasures with you when you travel is of import to Wanderlust teacher Joe Barnett. "I have a piddling package of items that are dear to me. I set them upwards wherever I country," he says. "Information technology is a constantly rotating series of items that take been gifted to me or plant in the outdoor spaces where I do. Currently this includes Snufkin + Stinky from the Moomins (a Finnish children'due south volume), the Affections De La Guarda that was handed to me by a passing stranger in Mexico City, a sacred (yet common) coin given to me by my students in Japan, and stones from various magical places. These items are wrapped in cloth for traveling."

Whether to deepen your connection to prayers, to the divine, to the source, or to love, altars are a cute symbol of our cycles: from inspiration from our pasts, to the abundance in our futures.  They hold our intentions, and when we are set up, nosotros allow them go and motion toward a new chantry with new intentions.

carolyn-anne-budgellCarolyn Anne Budgell (BA, ERYT 200, Kula 75) loves teaching vinyasa yoga and meditation from a realistic, down-to-earth, and light-hearted perspective in Vancouver, BC. Carolyn discovered yoga in 1999 every bit a ski bum in Whistler and at present leads Yoga Teacher Trainings for Wanderlust Festival and Lila Vinyasa School of Yoga, created free online yoga classes as an Ambassador for lululemon, and has mentored at teen girl yoga camps to increase female empowerment (Girlvana). Check out her website for gratuitous meditations and real talk blog posts.


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