What temperature should I set my thermostat to in the winter to save coin?

Find out the all-time temperature to heat your home and more than ways your thermostat can help relieve you money this winter.

Constantly battling with your significant other over what temperature to rut your domicile? Good news, we've found an platonic temperature that keeps things cozy and saves energy also.

Father and son and dog cozy warm on bed
Epitome: Svetikd/Getty Images

Set your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit in the wintertime

According to Free energy STAR, setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (xx degrees Celsius) when you lot're dwelling is the ideal residue of comfort and energy efficiency. So why is 68 degrees the magic number? The energy saving key is lowering the temperature (most x-12 degrees Fahrenheit or half dozen-eight degrees Celsius) at nighttime or when you're away.

Don't turn that dial!

You tin can salvage equally much equally ten% a year in heating and cooling costs by turning dorsum thermostats 7 – ten degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours a day. Constantly raising or lowering the temperature throughout the day or forgetting to set it to the proper temperature tin can really cost y'all more over fourth dimension.

Where you identify your thermostat matters

Knowing the platonic home temperature and using your thermostat correctly won't matter if you lot place it in the incorrect part of your dwelling. An interior wall, ideally virtually the middle of the house is the all-time identify for your thermostat. Also, go along in heed which rooms people employ near since these are the rooms where yous want the temperature to be the most comfortable.

five areas to avoid when placing your thermostat

  1. Areas in directly sunlight
  2. Locations in a higher place air vents
  3. Kitchens
  4. Hallways
  5. Almost doors or windows

Upgrade your thermostat to save

Today'due south more than free energy efficient heating and cooling systems can deliver whole abode comfort while using less energy. Only to get the most out of them, it'south best to pair them with an updated thermostat. While you lot can manually set your thermostat daily, programmable or "smart" thermostats can help y'all achieve energy savings, particularly when you're away from home.

Programmable thermostats let you to fix a diversity of temperature preferences during the day for each day of the week. As great as programmable thermostats are – they but work if you utilise them properly. If y'all constantly adapt the temperature (or your significant other does) y'all'll end upwardly spending more than, not less, on your energy bill.

Why non accept the human element out of it and upgrade to a connected, smart domicile thermostat. These side by side-gen thermostats practise more than but go along your home warm and cozy all winter (which they exercise very well), they learn your patterns and automatically adapt the temperature for max efficiency and energy savings. You can plan them remotely, get real-time performance alerts and even hide the digital display with a screen saver of your choice. When connected, you can control lights, locks and several other smart dwelling appliances. Cheque out the Trane ComfortLink™ Two XL1050 or ask your local Trane Dealer to recommend the best thermostat for your home.

Invest in an energy efficient furnace or heat pump

Even when you're setting your thermostat lower at night and while you lot're abroad, yous may not see your electric neb go down if your organization isn't running efficiently. Kickoff small by reaching out to an HVAC proficient and have them check out your unit to make sure it's operating at its best. Small things similar leaky air ducts, poor insulation or sometime filters tin can affect efficiency. If an HVAC upgrade is the right move for you, here's what y'all need to know. A newer Free energy Star certified system that has a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) or Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) rating will be 15% more efficient than older, less free energy-witting models. Newer systems can too improve your comfort, since they typically feature multiple or variable heating stages. This type of heating system will go on your home consistently warm and reduce temperature swings. It also runs longer without the starts and stops that employ excess free energy – which can help lower your energy bill.

1 Terminal Tip
Desire to know more almost how to heat your home comfortably and save money doing it? Contact your local Trane Condolement Specialist for a custom home heating and cooling system evaluation.